

Os sistemas de Crescimento da Plantui são belos, misteriosos e muito fáceis de usar. Plantar e colher as suas próprias ervas, saladas e vegetais em casa nunca foi tão simples. Os jardins de interior inteligentes da Plantui são frescos, sem pulverizações e higiénicos. 

Inteligentes e saborosos
Os jardins Plantui 3 e 6 têm um visual futurístico, mas não é necessário ser um cientista para ter plantas suculentas com sucesso. Com a tecnologia hidropónica avançada usada em casas verdes, nem é necessário solo: a água distribui os nutrientes diretamente às plantas. E as lâmpadas dão a luz ideal, para um crescimento rápido e para folhas firmes. O sistema é completamente automático, por isso é ideal para pessoas que não têm uma mão verde. Se as plantas crescerem, o seu Plantui cresce com elas, pois a lâmpada especial é ajustável em altura. Tecnologia profissional para casa com um incrível design escandinavo: com este design surpreendente e avançado, a Plantui ganhou um Prémio Red Dot Design. 

Cápsulas de Plantas
Escolha, misture, plante e colha. Desde a folha de mostarda a flores comestíveis e couve chinesa; com as cápsulas de plantas para Plantui pode ter, com facilidade, os seus vegetais e ervas favoritas. Há uma grande variedade de plantas: para uma variedade fresca e infinita na cozinha. Deliciosas e muito saudáveis. O Plantui 3 tem espaço para 3 cápsulas de plantas, e o seu irmão mais velho, Plantui 6, para 6 cápsulas de plantas ao mesmo tempo e como o custo de comprar estas cápsulas é mais baixo do que as plantas para outros sistemas de crescimento, usar o Plantui é muito mais barato. 

Saboroso e educacional
Parece uma nave especial, com luzes e plantas a crescer. É tão especial que o vegetais estarão prontos a comer em apenas algumas semanas! O sistema de crescimento do Plantui não é apenas bonito, ele também ensina de onde vêm os alimentos. As crianças adoram-no. Um gadget verde fascinante que fica bem em qualquer cozinha ou sala de estar. 

A Aventura da natureza
Experimente a aventura de plantar os seus próprios vegetais e ervas frescas. A magia da natureza, como as sementes brotam e crescem até ser uma planta saborosa. Use a tecnologia profissional em sua casa. Deixe o Plantui ajudá-lo a ter comida fresca todos os dias. É você que os plantas, por isso tem a garantia que não são usados pesticidas. Muito saudável! O Plantui é tão fácil de usar que é sempre um sucesso.

Nesta categoria

Classificar por:
Plantui 6
Vegetais frescos e ervas crescem em casa sem solo e sem stresse. É possível com o Plantui 6. Com este “disco voador” belo e especial, com design escandinavo, tem o seu próprio jardim de vegetais em casa. É um sistema inteligente com a tecnologia de crescimento mais recente. Por isso não precisa de ter uma mão verde para conseguir resultados excelentes.  Como funciona O..
Taxas não incluidas: 202,48€
Plantui 3
O Plantui 3 é belo, inteligente e compacto. Um jardim de ervas que cabe em todas as cozinhas. Mas não se deixe enganar: esta planta aparentemente simples contém muita tecnologia. Agora pode plantar plantas profissionais na sua própria cozinha.  Ervas frescas e vegetais na cozinha não são apenas bonitas, também são inspiradoras. Com o Plantui tem o seu próprio mini ..
Taxas não incluidas: 98,35€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Mostarda-Castanha "Wasabina"
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Agrião de Jardim
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta Azul
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta Laranja
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta Púrpura
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Mostarda-Castanha "Fringed Red"
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,87€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,87€
Viola cornuta Branco
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Mostarda-Castanha "Red Giant"
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta Amarelo & Púrpura
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Viola cornuta Amarelo
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may ..
5,70€ 4,88€
Taxas não incluidas: 4,88€
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