Viola cornuta Violetto

Viola cornuta Violetto
Viola cornuta Violetto Viola cornuta Violetto Viola cornuta Violetto
Marche: Plantui
Codice Prodotto: Slow growers
Disponibilità: In Magazzino
Prezzo: 5,70€ 4,88€
IVA esclusa: 4,88€

Please be advised that the refill packaging containing seeds may exhibit signs of moisture damage. It's important to note that any such damage is purely cosmetic and does not impact the effectiveness of the product. Due to packaging imperfections, these seed cups are being offered at a discounted price. We recommend them for personal use and discourage gifting them as they may not present an optimal aesthetic appearance. The quality and performance of the product remain unaffected by the packaging blemishes. Also we would like to inform you that Plantui is no longer in business. As a result, it is no longer possible to purchase new refills for us directly from the manufacturer Plantui. To continue serving the owners of a Plantui garden, we are offering these remaining refill packages. Please note that some seed packs may have expired seed dates, and as such, they are no longer guaranteed to grow, either by Plantui or by ourselves. We appreciate your understanding and support during this transition.  Thank you for your understanding.

Con le speciali capsule vegetali si può facilmente coltivare ortaggi freschi, erbe e fiori in Plantui. Preferisci piccante, delicato o aromatico? Con le capsule vegetali di Plantui c'è sempre qualcosa di vostro gradimento. Una capsula vegetale ha tutto ciò che un impianto ha bisogno per crescere da  seme a pianta che puoi raccogliere. Ogni confezione contiene tre capsule. Scegli, mescola, fai crescere e raccogli. Che cosa stai aspettando?

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